Daily articles & monthly newsletter - automatically uploaded to your website

Your website will always have the latest news articles, with a focus on tax and accounting related business matters.

On a daily basis, articles (valued at over $3,000 per month) are automatically uploaded to the home page and news sections of your website.

At the end of each month, the daily articles that were uploaded to your homepage will automatically be collated into a monthly e-newsletter and emailed to all the clients in your website database, from your website.

A major benefit of this monthly newsletter, is that your clients will receive and therefore see a personalised monthly email from you, and will be reminded of your professionalism and up to date technical expertise (even if the client does not "click through" and read the newsletter), your business brand will be enhanced on a monthly basis – you and your staff do not need to do anything!

Remember you can always add articles to this automated monthly newsletter, or send email flyers and newsletters to your clients whenever you like, as often as you like, for FREE.